IDB held Midyear Planning Workshop to Gear Up for the Decommissioning

Libungan, North Cotabato – The Independent Decommissioning Body held a Midyear Planning Workshop on June 24 to 26, 2024 at Blue Palm Mountain Resort in Libungan, North Cotabato. The three day activity aimed to ensure the efficient implementation of the decommissioning process. Led by the IDB section heads, the workshop assessed the progress of each section and unit against their work plans. This evaluation was important in strategizing for the final phase of the decommissioning process.

Participants were updated on the developments of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB), including key milestones and challenges encountered. The accomplishments of each section/unit for the first half of 2024 were reviewed, alongside any issues and actions taken. Guidance was provided on key assumptions and projections for the next phase of decommissioning. This included the presentation and discussion of the updated Implementation Plan for Phase 4 Verification and Decommissioning. Work plans for the remaining half of the year were collaboratively updated, emphasizing inter-departmental collaboration.
A total of 65 IDB staff members participated in the workshop. The event was followed by a separate launching activity for a psycho-social program, with an additional 35 participants. This workshop highlighted the IDB's commitment to continuous improvement and efficient execution in its mandated tasks. By effectively assessing progress and planning for the future, the IDB aimed to ensure a smooth and successful final phase of the decommissioning process.